donderdag 25 oktober 2007


Dit is een leuk stuk over SOA van Pete Lacey. De conclusie:
No matter which definition works for you, though, SOA is misnamed. So I’ll leave you with some updates to your lexicon:

Network Oriented Computing (NOC): An approach to computing that makes business logic available over the network in a standardized and interoperable manner.
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA): A technical approach to NOC that has a non-uniform service interface as its principle abstraction. Today, SOAP/WS-* is the chief implementation approach.
Resource Oriented Architecture (ROA): A technical approach to NOC that has an addressable, stateful resource as its principle abstraction. Today, REST/HTTP is the chief implementation approach.
Business Service Architecture (BSA): An unnecessary term (also not an architecture) that tries to make the obvious something special. Aka, business analysis. Aka, requirements gathering.


Zo is het maar net.

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