dinsdag 21 oktober 2008

Silver Bullit revisited

Ik vond deze samenvatting van een panel op OOPSLA. Panels zijn meestal geouwehoer, maar dit is wel aardig, en stipt nogal wat vragen aan waarmee ik mij ook bezighoudt. Bijvoorbeeld Dave Thomas:

"1. People have a “very natural tendency to look for easy answers to hard questions, designing software is hard and it will always be hard.”
2. New technologies are often over-hyped: “they have to kind of paint it as a silver bullet because otherwise people won’t listen.”
3. Desire for people to seek better tools rather than “actually learning the trade.” Dave used the metaphor: “there is an old saying: ‘the poor
workman blames his tools’ - people are poor wfor silver bullets to avoid learning the trade. "

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